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4 min
We asked some of the movers and shakers on our team about their favorite Tessitura moments of 2018.
10 Tessitura Highlights of 2018
4 min
The passion and humanity of our community
Don Youngberg
Vice President of Community
“At TLCC2018 I was so moved by the passion and humanity within our community. I feel blessed to be a part of this collaboration we call the Tessitura Network. During TLCC, regional conferences, and Tessitura User Group meetings I am always astounded by the expertise and willingness to share and help — often from people who I have never met. Wow!”
Innovator Series standing ovation
Kristen Olson
Vice President of Learning & Thought Leadership
“The lengthy standing ovation given to our Innovator Series presenters at TLCC was the highlight of my 2018. Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s Torrie Allen, TDF’s Tori Bailey, and Arts Centre Melbourne’s Claire Spencer spoke bravely from the heart on vitally important topics — embracing creativity, authentically building diverse audiences, and addressing the mental wellbeing of workers in the arts. It was a sincere privilege to work with all three of them.”
Astonishing pace of software releases
Chuck Reif
Senior Vice President of
Technology & Co-Founder
“Every day I get to work with a team of passionate co-workers in our development departments who are committed to making the business of arts and culture thrive. In 2018, I got to witness new versions of our software offerings rolled out to members at an astonishing pace with major releases in May and October, Tessitura service packs released every month, TN Express Web releases every two weeks, and new versions of customizations and partner integrations deployed almost daily.”
Largest Tessitura European Conference yet
Laura Bowden
Vice President of Administration
“The Tessitura European Conference was the largest ever, with over 500 delegates presenting 60 sessions in two days. The knowledge sharing, idea generation, and community building were so exciting. The Tessitura team had the opportunity to collaborate with our member host committee to develop the content and create a fun and welcoming conference in Manchester.”
Growth of the Australia/NZ community
Jeremy Dixon
Managing Director Asia Pacific
“There have been so many outstanding Tessitura moments for me during 2018. Globally the Network continued to grow and part of that growth saw us welcome several new organisations into this region, including the creation of the first consortium in Melbourne. Our team joined 275 attendees at ANZTRUC 2018 and spoke at numerous Tessitura User Group Meetings and conferences. In addition, we launched our philanthropy benchmarking study as a companion to our subscription benchmarking study. Witnessing this growth in the Australia/New Zealand region has been a real highlight for me.”
Widespread adoption of our e-commerce platform
Kristin Darrow
Senior Vice President, Digital
"When we set out to build a groundbreaking new version of the well-used e-commerce platform for Tessitura (TNEW) a few years ago, we knew it was a giant undertaking. We had so many advances we wanted to make with this new version, mostly in evolving the software’s design and mobile capability. 2018 was the year we saw this big new version of TNEW get widespread adoption, and it’s been the highlight of my year to see the stunning range of effective, on-brand, and visually diverse websites launch with the new TNEW. This community is always taking our best ideas and expanding on them."
Finally setting foot in Liverpool’s Everyman Theatre
Andrew Recinos
“The Everyman Theatre in Liverpool is simply one of the most inspiring places I have ever visited. I was honored to tell their story of rebirth at #TLCC2016 and was finally able to visit their beautiful new home in November. This photo features me with much of their administrative team atop the iconic Everyman sign. I’m so proud that they are utilising every nook and cranny of Tessitura to connect great theatre with their fellow Liverpudlians.”
Releasing our new business intelligence tool
John Jakovich
Vice President, Business Intelligence
“The release of Tessitura Analytics in version 15 was the highlight of my year. After two years of community collaboration and engineering, it is incredibly rewarding to see how licensees are already benefiting from our next generation of Business Intelligence for Tessitura.”
Taking our intensive training programs to the world
Becci Brace
Program Manager, Tessitura Center for Professional Development
“Launching the TCPD offering of our Comprehensive Development course in the EU was a huge highlight of 2018. Working across regional teams to provide specialized training to our EU members was equally as rewarding as witnessing the rapid skill development and community growth among our students during the course. ‘Ah-ha!’ moments know no cultural or regional borders. I’m proud to say that in 2018 our TCPD programs supported students from the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and now the UK!”
Making the world a better place
Jack Rubin
Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
“During almost every one of the 52 weeks in 2018, I had the privilege to visit with many inspiring Tessitura member organizations, dedicated ecosystem partners, brilliant Team Tessitura people, and prospective future Tessitura-powered organizations. We live in a world with so many distractions, and I am so fortunate to talk to and learn from people every day who are focused on what they do because they love the outcomes they influence that brings arts and culture to so many lives. While the mission of our magically structured nonprofit company includes the words ‘enable success,’ what it is really saying is: make the world a better place.”
Community News
Nonprofit tech company Tessitura announces Board of Directors leadership appointments
Company News
Joe Carter of the Los Angeles Philharmonic appointed as Board chair
Tessitura transforms the payment landscape with new solution
Company News
Tessitura launches Tessitura Merchant Services, bringing new payment options to cultural organizations and their customers
Ungerboeck and Tessitura announce integration between VenueOps and the Tessitura platform
Ecosystem Partners
New integration marks an expansion of Ungerboeck and Tessitura’s partnership