Mobile Apps
easy-connect specializes in data-driven NextGen apps with innovative features and technology and integrated ticketing, empowering arts and culture organizations to enhance audience engagement, expand their reach and drive revenue growth.
Vendor name: easy-connect
Vendor category: Mobile apps
Tessitura integration: Yes
Our mission is to lower barriers to entry and increase the visibility of arts & culture. We focus on leveraging new technological, data-driven solutions and innovative features to help arts & culture organizations better understand their audiences, strengthen customer loyalty, attract new and more diverse audiences, and boost ticket sales and revenue.
easy-connect specializes in developing NextGen apps for cultural organizations, consortiums, cities and regions, unlocking the potential of digitizing membership models, young audience programs, and rush ticket schemes. We provide a personalized user experience based on audience segments, social and community features, cutting-edge marketing and communication tools and digital word-of-mouth-strategies. These tools bridge the gap between arts organizations and untapped audience segments. Our apps are designed to streamline the ticket purchasing process, enhancing social interaction and delivering compelling content to engage audiences.
All our solutions are data-driven, powered by real-time interfaces with ticketing systems. They seamlessly integrate with an organization's existing infrastructure while providing comprehensive customer and behavioral data.
Performing arts
North America
Mobile Apps